Program Administration
Erika Robb Larkins
Office: AL-626
Phone: (619) 594-5028
Email: erika.larkins@sdsu.edu
Erika Robb Larkins is Professor of Anthropology, Behner Stiefel Chair of Brazilian Studies, and Director of the Behner Stiefel Center for Brazilian Studies at San Diego State University. She received her doctorate in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and also holds a M.A. in Latin American Studies from the University of Chicago. Larkins’ research and teaching focuses on violence and inequality in urban settings. Her first book, The Spectacular Favela: Violence in Modern Brazil (U California Press 2015), explores the political economy of spectacular violence in one of Rio’s most famous favelas. Her second book, The Sensation of Security: Private Guards and the Social Order in Brazil, is forthcoming from Cornell University Press. She has also published on issues of race, gender, and politics in Brazil, with recent articles appearing in American Ethnologist, City and Society, and the Journal for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, and in public outlets including El País and Estadão (O Estado de São Paulo).
Also a writer of fiction, Larkins is a Pushcart nominee, and her 2021 short story, “Working for Nico” won an award from the Society for Humanistic Anthropology in the creative ethnographic prose category.
Larkins’ is currently working on a new National Science Foundation funded research project on the intersection of extreme heat, environmental racism,
and inequality in Rio de Janeiro. She was recently awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities grant to co-teach the second iteration of the NEH Summer Institute, “Race, Modernity
and Urban Spaces in Brazil” for higher education faculty in 2022.
Kristal Bivona
Associate Director
Office: AL-632
Phone: (619) 594-4771
Email: kbivona@sdsu.edu

Laila Thomaz Sandroni
Sustainability Fellow - Fall 2024
Office: AL-522
Laila is an environmental social scientist working at the science-policy interface
in matters related to Global Environmental Change, especially Climate Change and Biodiversity
and Ecosystem Services. She is passionate about improving pathways for the combination
of diverse sets of knowledge to find innovative solutions for complex sustainability
challenges. She has participated and/or coordinated several research and innovation
projects involving diverse stakeholders, including academics from different disciplines,
local associations, indigenous organizations, environmental NGOs, intergovernmental
organizations and federal and state level governments in Brazil. She has particular
experience with projects related to inclusive biodiversity conservation in the Atlantic
Bruno Tarin Nascimento
Visiting Scholar - Fall 2024
Office: AL-522
Bruno holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Culture from the School of Communication
(ECO) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). He has served as a Substitute
Professor in the undergraduate Media Studies program at the Federal Fluminense University
(UFF), focusing on Media and Society, in the Department of Cultural and Media Studies
at the Institute of Art and Social Communication. He holds a Master's degree in Communication
and Culture from UFRJ, a Bachelor's degree in International Relations from Centro
Universitário da Cidade - RJ, and an MBA in Management in Social Responsibility and
Socio-Environmental Marketing from UCAM-RJ. He partially completed a degree in Social
Sciences at UFRJ and underwent training at the United Nations Information Center in
Brazil. He completed a course in editing and cinematographic language at the Center
for Information and Documentation of Black Artists (CIDAN) and has extensive experience
in Free Software applied to multimedia production. He has experience in the fields
of Communication and Information Theory, Cultural Studies, Political Economy of Culture,
Socio-environmental Project Management, Digital Culture, and Arts with an emphasis
on Video Arts.
Roberto Ivo Da Rocha Lima Filho
Visiting Scholar - Fall 2024/ Spring 2025
Office: AL-522
Roberto Is graduated in Economics from the University of São Paulo (2000), Master's
in Economics for Development - University of Oxford (2005) and holds Ph.D. in Sciences
from the University of São Paulo - Faculty of Medicine (2014). He is currently a visiting
professor at San Diego State University and an associate professor at the Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro at Industrial Engineering Department and the Program
of Production Engineering (COPPE/UFRJ). He has experience in Economics, with emphasis
on Energy Economics, Economic Engineering, Decision Sciences and Behavioral Economics.
Viviane Kraieski de Assunção
Visiting Scholar - Fall 2024 / Spring 2025
Office: AL-522
Viviane is currently visiting professor at San Diego State University and professor
in the Environmental Sciences Graduate Program (PPGCA) at the Universidade do Extremo
Sul Catarinense (UNESC). She holds a Ph.D. and a master's degree in Social Anthropology
from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), and completed a doctoral internship
at the Institute of Latin American Studies at Columbia University. She was post-doctoral
fellow in Anthropology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She is the leader of the
Environment, Culture and Society Research Group (GPMACS). She supervises and conducts
research mainly on the following topics: development projects and environmental impacts;
food, consumption and disposal; urban environment, cultures and socio-spatial practices.
She is currently conducting research on the social effects of lithium extraction in
Southern California.

Office: AL-626
Associated Faculty & Staff
Ryan Abman
Assistant Professor
Email: rabman@sdsu.edu
Stuart Aitken
Email: saitken@sdsu.edu
Cristina Alfaro
Dual Language and English Learner Education
Email: calfaro@sdsu.edu
Adisa Alkebulan
Associate Professor and Chair
Africana Studies
Email: alkebulan@sdsu.edu
Thaís da C. L. Alves
Professor and Chair
Construction Engineering and Management
Email: talves@sdsu.edu
Mark Ballam
Managing Director
CIBER, College of Business
Email: mballam@sdsu.edu
Rebecca Bartel
Assistant Director
Center for Latin American Studies
Email: rbartel@sdsu.edu
Pablo Ben
Associate Professor
Email: pben@sdsu.edu
Trent Biggs
Email: tbiggs@sdsu.edu
Fernando J. Bosco
Professor and Chair
Email: fbosco@sdsu.edu
Amanda Bryant
Assistant Director
Email: abryant@sdsu.edu
Grace Cheng
Center for Human Rights
Email: gcheng@sdsu.edu
Cássia De Abreu
Email: cdeabreu@sdsu.edu
Kevin Delgado
Associate Professor
Email: delgado@sdsu.edu
Fernando De Sales
Associate Professor
Email: fdesales@sdsu.edu
Robert Edwards
Biology & Computer Science
Email: redwards@sdsu.edu
Salvador Espinosa
Associate Professor
Public Administration
Email: sespinos@sdsu.edu
Daniela Gomes
Assistant Professor
Africana Studies
Email: dgomes@sdsu.edu
Gabriel Gonzalez
Assistant Professor
Email: gabriel.gonzalez@sdsu.edu
Allen Gontz
Professor and Chair
Email: agontz@sdsu.edu
Lawrence Herzog
City Planning
Email: laherzog@sdsu.edu
José Carmelo Interlando
Email: interlan@sdsu.edu
Zoe Jarocki
Undergraduate Instruction Librarian
Library & Information Access
Email: zjarocki@sdsu.edu
Susan Kiene
School of Public Health
Email: skiene@sdsu.edu
Matthew Lauer
Anthropology and Sustainability
Email: mlauer@sdsu.edu
Arielle Levin
Email: alevine@sdsu.edu
Enrico Marcelli
Associate Professor
Email: emarcell@sdsu.edu
Madhavi McCall
Associate Vice President
Office of Curriculum, Assessment, and Accreditation
Email: mccall@sdsu.edu
Anta Merritt
Assistant Professor
Africana Studies
Email: amerritt@sdsu.edu
Nadezda Novakovic
Program Specialist
Email: nnovakovic@sdsu.edu
Thomas Novotny
School of Public Health
Email: tnovotny@sdsu.edu
Ramona Pérez
Center for Latin American Studies
Email: perez@sdsu.edu
John Putman
Associate Dean
Collge of Arts and Letters
Email: putman@sdsu.edu
Jessica Romero
Assistant Director, Program Development & Partnerships
SDSU International Affairs
Email: jbaham@sdsu.edu
Amy Schmitz Weiss
School of Journalism and Media Studies
Email: aschmitz@sdsu.edu
Gillian Sneed
Assistant Professor
School of Art + Design
Email: gsneed@sdsu.edu
Charles Toombs
Africana Studies
Email: ctoombs@sdsu.edu
Milton Torikachvili
Email: miltont@sdsu.edu
Patricia van Damme
College of Business
Email: epvandamm@sdsu.eduRicardo Vasconcelos
Email: rvasconcelos@sdsu.edu
Matthew Verbyla
Assistant Professor
Environmental Engineering
María Luisa Zúñiga
Associate Professor
School of Social Work
Email: mlzuniga@sdsu.edu
Intercollegiate Advisory Board Members
Ryan Abman
Cássia de Abreu
Stuart Aitken
Thaís da C. L. Alves
Cristian Aquino-Sterling
Jessica Baham
Mark Ballam
Rebecca Bartel
Trent Biggs
Grace Cheng
Luciano Cruz
Thiago de Lucena Coelho
Fernando De Sales
Kevin Delgado
Salvador Espinosa
Daniela Gomes
Gabriel Gonzalez
Pam Lach
Paulo Lima
Gillian Sneed
Milton Torikachvili
Ricardo Vasconcelos
Matt Verbela
María Luisa Zúñiga