Learn Portuguese
Portuguese Program
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literatures at SDSU offers courses each semester in Portuguese. See the class schedule for a list of courses currently offered.
The Language Acquisition Resource Center (LARC) at SDSU offers a hybrid teacher-training program for secondary and post-secondary teachers in conjunction with its Portuguese language camp for students in grades 9–12. For more information, visit LARC's pages for the Portuguese Student Camp and the Teacher Training Program.
Want to Practice Your Portuguese?
Join us for this weekly FREE meeting on campus: BATE – PAPO!! Come and meet friends, exchange cultural information, get to know students who have studied abroad in Brazil and practice your Portuguese! The program is sponsored by the Behner Stiefel Center for Brazilian Studies.
Onde: SDSU Scripps Cottage, look for the large Brazilian flag
Horário: 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Quando: Every Wednesday
For more information, contact Professor Cassia de Abreu at [email protected]